Report of Arles Photo Folio Review 2014
Hiroaki Hasumi 蓮見 浩明
About My Project
Basically, in my photographic series of ‘Nippon’, I tried to integrate Japanese traditional artistic elements into the modern digital art of photography. I choose cherry blossom as a motif of my pictures. Because the cherry blossom has been a symbol of the soul of the Japanese people and has had a special meaning to us since ancient times. The blossom is figuratively expressed as the sense of beauty and the view of life of Japanese people. I want to express those senses by using Japanese traditional techniques in the new art of digital photography.
My photographic series are greatly influenced by the Japanese-style painting technique. I cut out what doesn’t leave much impression but emphasize the element that creates strong images. Despite of expressing in two dimensions, the beauty of the traditional Japanesestyle painting is compared favorably with the real things. By adjusting the tone of the color of the cherry blossoms and the background separately, I could accentuate the cherry blossom’s presence in my photograph.
I procesed my photograph digitally like Japanese paintings and printed on the Japanese paper. Moreover I sprinkled gold powder over it. By using materials for Japanese paintings to my photo, I think I can show the beauty of the cherry blossoms deeply and strongly. With this technique, I want to develop a new style of photography.
Paper and Size
I used washi paper called ‘Premio Kozo/White’ made by Awagami factory this time. As this paper has everything what I need for expressing the cherry blossom naturally. Thanks to the natural color of the paper, the thickness and the original surface texture, it gave a quite high-class looking to my picture. I take pictures on the concept of showing the Japanese traditional sense of beauty and the view of life. This washi is perfect for my way of photographing. The washi paper’s 1300 years history and the high quality of its neutral pH level were accepted easily by reviewers from other countries.
Sized A2, Edition for each 5 pieces
使用した用紙はアワガミファクトリー製の「プレミオ楮 白」である。桜の表現に必要な自然な紙色、トーンの素直さ、そして厚みと独特の面質は作品に高級感を与えてくれた。この作品のコンセプトである日本人の伝統的な美意識、生命観の表現に適した紙である。
サイズ A2 エディション 各5枚
About My Photo Folio Review
Number of Reviewer
I met 14 experts such as gallery owners, festival coordinators and curators from European countries and made photo reviews to them.
I got good comments by many reviewers. They said my concept of photography and the prints were unique and beautiful, and also said that I should keep doing my project. I think it because they expect my better work in my photography.
Besides, I was asked to give more information about the edition and the price of my pictures.
A gallery owner from Barcelona suggested holding an exhibition with SAMURAI FOTO members. However, when it comes to sell the prints, the weak economic condition in Europe is affected and I couldn’t make a good progress. It’s a well-known fact that the art develops with in the good economy condition. Nowadays, we communicate via internet which seems narrow world. I need my eyes and ears wide open all the time not to miss the opportunities and I have to keep in touch with them. To keep doing photo reviews and brushing up my works is very important, too.
After the photo reviews, my thought for the art has changed like this; the art is the thing that empathizes with people in the world and finds the better way to live. Of course the individuality and the technique of the print are important but artists should have strong thoughts and philosophies for what we make.
In the future I want to make my statement deeper, and improve the level of the print.
Both of the statement and the print should be linked with each other. For achieving, I need to have the identity as Japanese. Moreover, I have to develop global awareness and be more attractive. My goal is to be a photographer who can give ‘dreams, new discoveries and happiness’ to people throughout the world.
バルセロナのギャラリーからはSAMURAI FOTOのグループ展開催の提案を受けた。実際のプリント販売については欧州の景気低迷の影響を感じる場面もあった。アートは景気のよい所で発展することは周知の事実であるが、ネットでつながった世界は狭い。どこにチャンスがあるかわからないので連絡を続けること、レビューへの挑戦、作品のブラッシュアップの継続が大切だと思った。